Thursday, May 28, 2009

Swim 30, Run 30

There was so much to do today. We had the plumber come out and Greg had to head to the airport. There just wasn't time to hit the pool during their lap swim hours.

So, I decided to substitute a bike for the swim. I need to ride the bike more, as I've been reminded by a few people now. I rode 33 good minutes. I went back to that hill again, to get ready for some of the Austin, TX hills. It felt good, and I discovered new higher gears on my bike. I'm getting more comfortable with the bike. It's a good thing.

I came home and got Skeeter. He needed a good run too. Boy, is he out of shape. I kicked his butt on the run. We was so far behind me. I ran it the same 5K about 5 minutes slower due to him. It was good though. We both needed the run, and I just wanted to hit the trail.

Tomorrow is a rest day. I'm having lunch with my best friend, Lael. Then, I think I'll get in my gardens again. They need just a bit more love. It will be a great day!

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