Saturday, May 23, 2009

55 min Run

Could I actually run for 55 minutes today? Has this nasty cold sucked all the life out of me? Did I wait too long, and is it now too hot out?

So many questions, and only one way to get an answer. Just go out and run!

Run I did. The first mile seemed to go well. I just loaded 2 new songs that really helped me move. May I recommend "I Run for Life" by Melissa Etheridge and "Say Hey (I Love You)" by All Rebel Rockers. Plus, I re-worked my running play list to bring some old favorites forward. Very motivating.

Things were going well, and I thought I had the 55 minutes in the bag. 2 miles hit and so did this massive brick wall. UGH! All the exhaustion from my cold was bubbling up. Doubt was surfacing. The heat was getting to me. Thoughts of running to the hospital (my 2 mile + point) were running through my head.

I thought, I'll stop at a 5K. That would be then end of my route anyway. My plan was to go that far, then turn around and run for 10 minutes and head back home again.

At 2.5 miles, I started to feel disappointed in myself. I started to try to talk myself back into this 55 minute thing. It helped that the next .5 miles were all down hill.

At 3 miles, I realized I could do the whole 55 minutes! Or so I thought. At 5K, I turned back around to head out for another 20 minutes. See, this was a slow run with my 5K being 35 minutes.

At 4 miles, the wall hit me again. However, this time I was 1 mile from home. I had to run home now. No turning back :)

So, I ran 5 miles in 55 minutes! Yeah me! It was slow, but it is done!! I think I now have the upper hand on this cold. I'm still congested, but I can breathe! Yeah me!!!

1 comment:

KK said...

Deeann, can you remember a time when you thought an 11 minute mile was fast? Or when you were cussing at the 5k? I love how your mind has made the shift and you're fighting thru mental demons that hit sometime. Great job on the running! Just a few days away from the taper now. Yay!