Thursday, May 21, 2009

Slow workout

Well, I'm not completely well, but much better than before. So, I hit the road this morning for an easy workout. I figure I shouldn't push it too hard, but I needed to do something.

I went for an easy 30 min bike ride, then got Skeeter and we went for a 15 min run. The ride was tough at first. I felt like I had weights attached to my legs. About 15 minutes in, things started moving much better. I didn't have the energy to really ride hard, but I did ride almost 6 miles.

Skeeter was so excited to go for a run that he hit his head on the coffee table. You think that would teach him to calm down, but once he left the door, he was a bouncing ball of excitement again. He did a great job running! We went to the end of the path, then turned back for home. I set him loose on the way back and he was never more than 5 feet from me. I think we'll try this again tomorrow :)

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