Tuesday, May 12, 2009

40 min Run

OK, it's been too many days since I've update my blog. In my defense, I've been busy. On Mother's Day, Greg and I ran a 5K for the Susan G. Koeman Race for the Cure at the Mall of America. It was amazing! I ran it in 31:50... about 5-6 minutes faster than last year! I know it's slow, but oh so much better than last year.

Greg finished in 34:30, which is amazing for a guy who really just started running only 1 month ago. I'm so proud of him, that words cannot even begin to describe how I feel. I actually squealed like a little girl when I saw him approach the finish line. He's my hero!

Yesterday was a travel day for me. I'm at a school in FL. I'll be here for the rest of the week, so I get more heat training time in. Yeah!

So today, I ran inside on a treadmill. It was 3pm and very humid. Too much for me after a whole day of class. I ran for 40 minutes at a 10 minute mile pace. It felt good. I was very tired, and knew I pushed myself, but I did it. Most of you probably think a 10 minute mile is pitiful, but again I bring you back to 1 year ago on my blog. This is BIG!

It's amazing what your body can do when you've lost 64 pounds :). Oh, DO NOT tell me who won the Biggest Looser either. I was a dinner with Kait and couldn't watch it. But I did tape it and will check it out on Saturday.

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