Friday, May 1, 2009

Catch up

I'm currently in Mississippi, ready to work for the Hurricane Hunters. It's my drill weekend, but I'm here early for a little extra work.

So, I'm training in the heat! We got in on Wednesday and I went for a good 45 minute run (only scheduled for a 30 min run). It felt like I was running in molasses. It was tough. This heat and humidity thing was kicking my butt! I'm so glad I went though. I felt so much better afterwards.

On Thursday, I was scheduled for a 30 min swim and 20 min run. I headed to the Natitorium just off base. It was 2:00pm, and I was the only person in the pool. It was fabulous!!! They had about a dozen lanes too. I love that place! So, I swam 1400 yds in my 30 minutes.

After rinsing off, I went back to base for my run. As many of my followers may know (all 2 of you), my favorite place to run is around the flight line. Off I went... into that molasses again. It was harder than I expected. Now, this is all a different "harder" than last year. I just mean it isn't as free flowing as up home. It took more effort than I expected. Anyway, I ran for 30 minutes after my swim.

Today is my rest day. It feels strange not to be running, but good at the same time. I've been pushing myself a bit harder, and need to take a quick break. I'm scheduled for a 45 min run tomorrow, and figure I'll do it at my favorite place... the flight line (insert Top Gun music here).

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