I was going to go for a run with Skeeter today, but he was a sick puppy last night. He woke up barking at 3am, and Chris discovered that he had pooped all over his kennel. Poor thing!
Anyway, it was a BEAUTIFUL morning! So, I decided to take the bike out for a spin. I rode from my house, down to the Malt-O-Meal plant, over to the next town (Dundas) on a trail, then back home. It was about 8.5 miles. I didn't do it very fast (42 min), but it felt really good.
I love my new swept back handle bars. My lower back doesn't hurt, and I'm not numb in those special places. My shoulders are tight, but I think I just have to get them used to riding. All in all, I'm thrilled with the updates to the bike!
Tomorrow is Easter, and I'm taking the day off from working out. Monday is the official beginning of my triathlon training! I can't wait to see how it goes!!
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