Tuesday, April 20, 2010


Greg has been stuck in Manchester, England for 6 days now. Each day, they push his return back another day.
At first it was a bit exciting. Greg was in the middle of history. He was part of the huge news story around the world. Plus, he was part of a natural disaster that I find very cool.
After 2 days, it wasn't so fun any more. It's bringing me down. We were supposed to go on our first overseas vacation this week. We were going to visit our good friend, Brian, in Germany. I'd never been to Germany (outside of Ramstein AFB). We were also supposed to visit our good friends Tina and Randy in Atlanta on our way back from Germany. Both trips have now been cancelled.
Those are not what is getting me down. I really miss Greg. It's the not knowing when I'll see him again that is the hardest. If the volcano shoots off again, or if the bigger one next to it blows, it could be weeks before he's back. I don't think that could happen, but with each day that goes by, the possibility of Greg being gone for weeks becomes a bit more real.
It's been hard to find motivation to work out. I needed to get it together though. I have a triathlon and 1/2 marathon to train for! Today, I got in a workout I'm pretty proud of.
I hopped on my bike for a 45 minutes ride. It's my ride to Dundas and back. It's so pretty and the weather was perfect. Then, I put on my running shoes and hit the road for a 2 mile run. It was tough, but not as hard as I remembered it being after a bike. It gave me hope that I haven't screwed myself too much for this tri.
We'll see how the rest of the week goes. I hope to get into the pool tomorrow with a run through the arb right after. I need to workout for training, but also to make the pain of missing Greg lessen just a bit.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Running after a cold

You'd think I'd get a cold in Minnesota as the weather changes. Nope, I got a cold in hot and humid Mississippi! UGH!
This cold lingered and took my energy from me. I was exhausted and stuffy. This always seems to happen in mid training. I should prepare for being sick each time I get train for a race now.
Today was the first time in 5 days I was able to run. I couldn't wait to try out my lungs, and clear them out a bit. There was a lot going on at home though, so I needed to be prepared for a later day run.
We had day long work going on at our well. I was without water for 7+ hours. The guys needed access to my house, so I didn't fell like I could run off for 20-30 minutes. Then, the water was turned on. A quick call to Greg, and I was going to be off. I tried the water again, but no luck. I had to call the well guy back. After 45 more minutes the water was back on.
The sun was fading, and I didn't think I could go out there. Then, I heard a MOUSE running around in my basement ceiling. UGH!!! I was getting spun up. I needed a release. So, off on a run I went.
I decided to do just a 2 mile run. I tried to keep my pace up, which was a challenge in 15-20 kt winds. I ran it out, I was tired, but I felt so much better for having run.
Tomorrow was supposed to be a 3 mile run, but I'm taking back my swim/run day that I missed. We'll see how that all works tomorrow.

Monday, April 5, 2010

30 minute Swim and 30 minute Run

I finally got back in the pool after almost 2 weeks. It's been far too long since I'd been to a pool. I was looking forward to it, but a bit nervous. How bad was this going to go? How many college kids would be at the pool?
It was a great swim. I completed 1500 meters. So much better than the 1400 2 weeks ago. I swam all but 50 meters as the crawl stroke. I gained a bit of my swimming confidence back. It felt good.
After the swim, it was off for a 30 minute run. I slipped my running shorts, a t-shirt and shoes on then hit the trail. The Carelton College Arboretum was calling my name. It's such a beautiful trail, with some pretty big hills to challenge me.
I forgot how much easier it was to run after a good swim. The 1/4 to 1/2 mile period it usually takes to get into my running grove just wasn't there. The run felt really, really good and almost easy. I was so excited! The hills were tough, but felt good.
The run was slow, but consistent. It just felt good. Have I already said that?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Blue Lightning!

Today was another beautiful day! I'm so glad I saw this coming and planned to ride my bike today. A 50 minute ride was in order for today, and I was so excited to hop back on my bike.
2 weeks ago, Greg hooked my bike up to the stationary trainer in the spare room. It was good to be on it then, but something was missing. I figured out what that was today... wind!
I freed my bike, filled my best water bottle up with cold water, put on my sunglasses, gloves and helmet, then I brought the bike down to the driveway. I reset the bike computer and set out for my first ride on the open road this year.
It felt so good. I actually missed my bike. I couldn't believe it! I missed this thing that I really wasn't excited about last year. I thought after the first mile or 2 that my love affair would fade and the pain would set in.
I was wrong! I hit a hill, and leaned on my handle bars to get up that hill. It was just like RAGBRAI and felt so right. It was like my bike and I had a connection, that didn't fade during the winter months.
The love continued to grow with each mile. I road through town, and along the Cannon River to the next town. I saw the trees beginning to bud. I saw the full river moving swiftly along. I saw local cows next to the town compost site. I saw Dundas, MN. I had a smile that just kept growing.
I love my bike now. I loved it so much, that I decided to name it. People name cars all the time. You name the things you love. Since I now love my bike, I named it Blue Lightning! Ah, the love of a bike.
Tomorrow, it's off to the pool.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Merging the trainining

One of my big challenges is trying to figure out how to merge my sprint triathlon training with my 1/2 marathon training. I figure what ever day has the most activity is what I will do. I will also keep my 1/2 marathon distance days (Fridays).

This weekend I'm doing a 5K with Lael, or rather I'm running a 5K while she runs a 10K. With the 5K coming up, I decided to move up my distance day to today. This week held a 4 miler in my future. The weather finally warmed up and the wind died down, so today was the perfect day for a run.

The first mile was tough. I've realized this week how much I've hurt myself over the past few months. I've really let myself go. I've gained too much weight. I haven't kept up with my workouts. Now, I'm struggling a bit.

Normally, the pain and struggle would make me stop running. Instead, I just think that this is temporary. This is how I will feel during the 1/2 marathon or during the run portion of the triathlon. I'm training for the struggle too. Struggle can be good. Struggle is really going to make me stronger. I need to be happy that this is tough. I need to get a mental workout too.

At 3.75 miles, my side ache that I'd been battling for 1/2 mile caught up with me. Or rather, it caught my breath. I had to stop and walk to catch my breath. I felt defeated at first. Then, I heard Greg tell me that walking isn't a failure. I'm in training. I still got my mileage in. It wasn't what I expected, but it was a success.

Tomorrow, biking outside! I can't wait!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

wii fit plus!

Today I decided to work my wii fit plus routines. Greg and I got our wii from his son for Christmas, and I had no idea how much fun it would be. I went out the next week and bought wii fit. I love it!
First, I started with 30 minutes of yoga/strength training routines. It is amazing that the little balance board can figure out how well you are doing.
Next, I moved onto 40 minutes of various exercises. Wii lets me select which parts of my body or areas I would like to work on. I picked 5 different areas, with 3 different routines for each area. It keeps me moving and keeps me interested.
After I was finished, I was sweating bullets. There are a few routines that I struggle with, but grin and bare it. However, I'm loving boxing, judo, hula hoops, biking, snowball fighting and skate boarding.
I think the Wii Fit is going to be good for me. I can work on other parts of my body I ignore when running or biking. It should be fun. Although, I hate my HUGE Mii character. It takes your weight and adds size to your character. I'm going to shrink that Mii if it kills me :)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Motivation came come in all forms. My friend just found it in a total stranger at the gym. I know I need more than that. I need a goal to work towards. I need a BIG goal.

I got it today! Greg, my stepson and I made the lottery for the Grandma's 1/2 marathon in June! From everything I've heard, it's an amazing event! The best thing is, I don't have to fly to a destination for it.

I've felt so unmotivated the past few months. I've eaten horribly, planning to start my Weight Watchers plan the next day. The next day never came. Well, the next day is today!

I ate a good breakfast, drank more water, and hit the road. It was my first outdoor run in Minnesota in 2010. It felt great! What a wonderful 5K + it was! The sun was shinning, the snow melting, and a very light wind.

I hope this motivation sticks. Now the diet begins again...

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I haven't just fallen off the wagon in the past month or so. I fell off and ran from it. Not good. I've gained between 10-15 pounds. Ugh!
I need to get back on the wagon. I need to buckle down. I need to follow Weight Watchers to the T again.
I started today to eat healthier. I ran for 30 good minutes. And so it begins.
Pray for me as I try to catch that damn wagon!
(this painting is by my great uncle Duane Bryers)