By popular demand... here is the tale of my morning. UGH! (This is not a picture of THE mouse, just a Yahoo mouse)
I've had a feeling for a few weeks that this day would come. Each morning, as I come downstairs from my slumber, I look for my two lovely cats. See, if they are sleeping on the couch, all will be well. If I don't see them, my morning it going to be tough.
This morning, I didn't see them in the living room. I rounded the corner to let the dog out, and spotted the cats. They were both looking at the dog food, which we store under our kitchen counter in a
Rubbermaid tub. I had a feeling that they'd cornered a mouse. I took a deep breath and walked past them. I wasn't ready to deal with this yet. I woke Skeeter up, let him out, then waited for him to return for his breakfast. This process is normally very fast, because my lab mix dog feels like he never gets to eat. By morning, he's just starving, or so he says. Anyway, he didn't come back right away. I waited a few minutes and decided to make coffee instead.
Why make coffee at a time like this? My little girl cat, Thunder, had come up to say hello. Maybe there isn't a mouse I thought. However, Boomer, my boy cat, was still interested in the food box. Boomer isn't a deadly hunter, and has a bit of kitten ADD. So, if he pays attention to anything for more than 5 seconds, it's big. Again, I decided to ignore this and go to make coffee. I needed something to deal with this and a beer wasn't in order yet.
25 minutes after I woke up, the dog decided to finally come in for breakfast. I'm happy to feed him, but it means dealing with his food box. At this point, Thunder is now laying on top of his food container. Not a good sign. What do I do now? I
shoe her off the box and feed the dog. I then left to send my husband an
IM to let him know of my concerns about a mouse being in the house.
Skeeter is done eating in 30 seconds flat and back in the living room to say
good morning. Now, I hear the cats scratching at the food box. OK, I can't ignore this anymore. So, I stand up, take a few breaths, tie my
pj pants tight, and head in for battle. At this point, my palms are dry, but my feet are sweating. Odd.
I move the dog's water and food bowls out of the battle field. I bravely (yes bravely) reach in and pull the food box away from the wall, so the cats can flush out the mouse. Amazingly enough, out shoots a field mouse. Both cats begin the chase.
It's quickly apparent that this mouse is not moving very fast. This battle must have been going on well before I woke up. It just isn't running around the house like a normal mouse. I may be able to catch this thing pretty quickly. So, I grab a paper bowl for my trap. The cats are batting the mouse around, who stands up on his hind legs to show the cats it isn't afraid. Thunder then gives that mouse a huge smack so it tumbles and lands on it's back. Then, I see, the mouse's hind legs are hurt. OK, so now I know it won't be running up my leg anytime soon. I grab my bowl and toss it on the mouse. Then I grab a folder, slide it under the bowl, and head outside. I tossed that little injured mouse pretty far off my deck.
I came back inside and
took a big breath. Skeeter the Wonder Dog ran up to tell me how brave I was. Actually, I think he just wanted an ear scratch, but I like to think he knew I saved him from death by field mouse.
The house is now mouse free! OK, it's an old house and never quite mouse free, but I'm going with the mouse free thoughts. It helps me sleep at night.