A few weeks ago, I invited Lael to do the Big Woods Run with me. I wanted to do the 10K and she wanted to do the 5K. Not a problem. In fact, I think it may have been the best thing for both of us. I got my distance training in and Lael got to see her best 5K time ever!
We showed up at the UCC Church in Faribault, MN at about 8:20am. We got our numbers, Lael's first number ever, and picked up our shirts. Then, Lael went off to her bus. The 5K people were bused to their start in the woods. The rest of us started at the church, with all races ending at the same spot.
The first mile felt good, but fast. I was moving pretty quickly. What was going on? Then it hit me... it was all down hill. Oh no! That meant, it was 1 mile uphill to the finish! No time to worry, only run!
At 1.2 miles, we entered the woods. As we got there, the first 5K people were leaving the woods. The trails were only wide enough for 2 people, 3 if they squeezed. I was worried that we would be passing all of the 5K people on the way in. Well, a little while later we split off for the rest of our run.
It was a beautiful run in the oaks, elms and maple trees. The path was a bit muddy, due to our rainy October. There were leaves littering the trail. There were also a few roots sticking up along the path. After a quick trip, with no fall, I realized I needed to watch where I was going.
It felt pretty good. At 4 miles, there was a steep downhill. It was so steep that I was almost walking. This is not a good sign. I learned at RAGBRAI, what goes down comes back up. We crossed a small creek, turned a corner and there it was, the hill! This hill had steps! It was a slow climb up, but I still did not walk.
5 miles later, and we emerged from the woods. I was on the home stretch, and headed to that mile long uphill. Just as I was about to reach the finish, I looked up and saw a bouncing woman with her hands in the air. It was Lael! How lucky am I? She looked great and had a smile from ear to ear!
The finish was good, and I felt like I still had some energy. I think I can do 8 miles in 2 weeks.
My time was 1:06. Not too bad. At the Savannah Bridge 10K Bridge Run in 1999 my time was 1:12. I thought I was in good shape then too.
Lael did so good herself! I'm so happy and proud of her. She kicked butt! Next Saturday we are doing the Boo Run in St Paul. It's a great 5K around Lake Harriet. We all dress up in costume for it too. I can't wait!
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