Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Day 10

Swim 15 & Run 30

Not such a great day for me. I did pretty well on my 15 minutes of swimming. It was tough getting to the pool early, but I have stuff to do today, so I had to do it.

My back is very sore. I contemplated not running, but decided to give it a go. At .75 miles from home, it really hurt. So, I turned around and ran home. So, I got in a 1.5 mile run. Now, I'm off to ice the back and contemplate how I'll explain all this to my chiropractor appointment tomorrow. It was already scheduled.

Oh well.


KK said...

Don't beat yourself up, just get back on your training as soon as you feel better.

Remember that rest days are just as important as training just can't have too many in a row! :)


Unknown said...

Kari's right:) I tried to run in Denver and almost died!! I am not ready for any high altitude tris:)

I friend lent me "The Chi of running" and I found it very good for technique you may want to check it out of the library. Gotta getting going but I will catch up with you later.