OK, this one was a bit of a challenge. I had a very busy day, but still needed to make sure I got my training in. I went to church in the morning, then I was of to my cousin Sarah's son's first birthday party. It was a great party and a perfect excuse to have cake!!
I brought all of my workout gear with me, so I was ready for the day. I got to the pool, and it was full of college students! For those of you who don't know, I swim at the Carleton College pool. My husband is an alumni, so I get to use their stuff! Only $10 a year for all the athletic facilities! Not bad. Except... you have to work out next to skinny 18 year olds!
So, I picked the lane next to the ladder. Why do this? So I don't look like a fool hauling my big butt out of the water. On lap one, I could see the 18 year old life guard napping in his chair. What the heck! I'm old, and he needs to protect his elders! OK, so now I'm on high alert to stay safe... so no flip turns for me.
I swam 1400 yards today, a little over .75 mile swim. I did it almost all crawl stroke too. That's big for me. I swam 1/2 mile straight crawl. Not bad.
So, I haul my big butt up the ladder, rinse of and change into my running clothes. I got home, put on my IPOD and watch, then got Skeeter ready to go. Skeeter is like Greg and I... out of shape.
We got going and it went really well, for the first 20 minutes. Then, Skeeter was exhausted and I was almost dragging him along. We finished the full 30 minutes successfully! I even ran a faster pace than the past 2 runs. I feel pretty good.
Wish me luck tomorrow (Skeeter too)!
1 comment:
Awww!! Poor Skeeter-dog! You're doing better than I am at the daily stuff, D. :)
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