Thursday, May 15, 2008

Swim 30min & Run 25min

What happened to my old professors at the pool? It was full of 18 year old college students!!! They were also all over the lawn when I drove up. They must have my training schedule and were out to mock me!!!

So, I swam through the mental pain. It went well, but I could have done better. I finished and put on my running gear, and I was out the door.

I decided to run in the upper Carleton Arboretum today. It was 70 degrees and fabulous out! There were some really steep hills, but I made it. In fact, I made it up the hills then took it easy for a few steps and off I went again. It felt really good. In fact, I think I can run for longer than I would expect. I'm finally winning my mental battle!!!

So, here is a lovely picture of my dog and his giant piece of asphalt he brought to me today. Nice, huh? So, now he and I are both exhausted. Good thing tomorrow is a rest day. Speaking of rest, Skeeter also relaxed in the chair after his hard day...

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