Run 35 min
Well, I still have my wonderful cold. I didn't post an update yesterday, but I did do my 1/2 hour Pilate's tape for my strength training day. After that, Greg and I just vegetated on the couch. See, he's sick too now.
As for today, my ears are stuffed and my head is stuffy, but not as much as the past 2 days. So, I decided to give the run a shot. It got up into the lower 50s today, so why not run outside? It was wonderful! After the first 5 minutes of hacking up a lung, the run went very well. I ran even faster than I did 3 days ago! I'm making improvements!!!
So, there's your brief update. I'm off to pack now. Greg and I are off to Biloxi tomorrow for UTA. We are taking my parents with us for a cheap and hopefully fun vacation for them. I'll send updates when I can, but I promise I'll let you know how things went when I get home.
Have a great week!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
I'm very sick with a nasty cold today. So, no workout for me. I folded laundry and I was exhausted. I'm sure I'll be better tomorrow. Chris has the same cold, and he did much better the next day.
Here's hoping you're healthy.
Here's hoping you're healthy.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Day 13
Run 35 min
So, I have a cold. Yeah me! My nose is running, my ears are itchy, my throat hurts. Uck! Did I workout?
I thought why not give it a go. Again, I couldn't go outside today. It SNOWED this morning, and the winds are gusting to 25kts. So, off to they gym I went. I knew I didn't feel great, so pace didn't matter. I was just going to keep running for 35 minutes.
I checked my watch at 1 mile and I'd run about a 12 minute mile. Slow for you guys, but last week I was at a 13 minute mile. My goal was to run 20 laps, but 19 was OK too. I ran 21 laps! That equals a hair over 2.75 miles!!! Again, slow for you guys, but great for me!!!
Kari, this means that I will run my 5K around 40 minutes or less. Much better than last year.
Oh yeah, I'm running in the Susan G Komen Breast Cancer 5k Run on Mother's Day. It starts at the Mall of America, goes around the neighborhoods, then back to the mall. It's an amazing event with about 40,000 people for the run/walks. My mom (a survivor), Greg, sister, brother and Aunt Emily (also a survivor) will be there. It will be a great time!
Well, enough for now. I'm off to ice the back and blow my nose.
So, I have a cold. Yeah me! My nose is running, my ears are itchy, my throat hurts. Uck! Did I workout?
I thought why not give it a go. Again, I couldn't go outside today. It SNOWED this morning, and the winds are gusting to 25kts. So, off to they gym I went. I knew I didn't feel great, so pace didn't matter. I was just going to keep running for 35 minutes.
I checked my watch at 1 mile and I'd run about a 12 minute mile. Slow for you guys, but last week I was at a 13 minute mile. My goal was to run 20 laps, but 19 was OK too. I ran 21 laps! That equals a hair over 2.75 miles!!! Again, slow for you guys, but great for me!!!
Kari, this means that I will run my 5K around 40 minutes or less. Much better than last year.
Oh yeah, I'm running in the Susan G Komen Breast Cancer 5k Run on Mother's Day. It starts at the Mall of America, goes around the neighborhoods, then back to the mall. It's an amazing event with about 40,000 people for the run/walks. My mom (a survivor), Greg, sister, brother and Aunt Emily (also a survivor) will be there. It will be a great time!
Well, enough for now. I'm off to ice the back and blow my nose.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Day 12
Run 30 minutes
So, yesterday I took the day off. It really helped my back. Well, that and the chiropractor. I felt like a slug, but it really was the right thing to do.
Greg went with me to the gym today, and neither of us wanted to be there. Oh, it rainy and in the 40s outside. Yeah spring! Anyway, into the gym we went.
I felt surprisingly good. I kept thinking my shoes are a gift from God! I felt like I was floating! My goal was to keep up a faster pace for the first 1.5 miles. I didn't look at the clock until 1.5 miles, and I was VERY disappointed with my time. So much so, that I started walking. Greg caught up and told me I was doing great, but I didn't believe him. I knew I could only let myself walk 1 lap (1/8 of a mile), so I started running after that. Well, I finished the 30 minutes doing just as many laps as I had the last week on that track, that's including my walking. I really was faster.
So, I need to remember that I'm not in this for speed. I'm training for time limits. I just need to get my endurance up and the speed will come. So, after having a horrible beginning to my run, it ended on a very high note.
Thanks to my girlies for the posts. Kait, I can't wait to hear more about that book. In fact, I think I may get it. Anything to help with the run!
So, yesterday I took the day off. It really helped my back. Well, that and the chiropractor. I felt like a slug, but it really was the right thing to do.
Greg went with me to the gym today, and neither of us wanted to be there. Oh, it rainy and in the 40s outside. Yeah spring! Anyway, into the gym we went.
I felt surprisingly good. I kept thinking my shoes are a gift from God! I felt like I was floating! My goal was to keep up a faster pace for the first 1.5 miles. I didn't look at the clock until 1.5 miles, and I was VERY disappointed with my time. So much so, that I started walking. Greg caught up and told me I was doing great, but I didn't believe him. I knew I could only let myself walk 1 lap (1/8 of a mile), so I started running after that. Well, I finished the 30 minutes doing just as many laps as I had the last week on that track, that's including my walking. I really was faster.
So, I need to remember that I'm not in this for speed. I'm training for time limits. I just need to get my endurance up and the speed will come. So, after having a horrible beginning to my run, it ended on a very high note.
Thanks to my girlies for the posts. Kait, I can't wait to hear more about that book. In fact, I think I may get it. Anything to help with the run!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Day 10
Swim 15 & Run 30
Not such a great day for me. I did pretty well on my 15 minutes of swimming. It was tough getting to the pool early, but I have stuff to do today, so I had to do it.
My back is very sore. I contemplated not running, but decided to give it a go. At .75 miles from home, it really hurt. So, I turned around and ran home. So, I got in a 1.5 mile run. Now, I'm off to ice the back and contemplate how I'll explain all this to my chiropractor appointment tomorrow. It was already scheduled.
Oh well.
Not such a great day for me. I did pretty well on my 15 minutes of swimming. It was tough getting to the pool early, but I have stuff to do today, so I had to do it.
My back is very sore. I contemplated not running, but decided to give it a go. At .75 miles from home, it really hurt. So, I turned around and ran home. So, I got in a 1.5 mile run. Now, I'm off to ice the back and contemplate how I'll explain all this to my chiropractor appointment tomorrow. It was already scheduled.
Oh well.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Day 9
Bike 30 min & Run 15 min
Yes, that's right... freedom! I set my bike free today! It was hooked up to a stationary thingy-ma-bob, but now it's free! It felt so good to be out on the open road on my bike. The wind in my bike helmet. Ahhh... the joy of it all!
It was tougher than I thought though. As you may be able to tell from this picture, there are some rolling hills just outside my door. The hills were a challenge, but that's what gears are for, right?
I went in and out of some beautiful neighborhoods. I couldn't believe the houses just a few miles from mine! It was so nice, that I lost track of time and went an extra 5 minutes today. 35 minutes on my FREEDOM bike!
Then, I got Skeeter and we were out the door for my 15 min run. I felt like I was on auto pilot again, but Skeeter had to poo, so we made a stop and my auto pilot never returned. I made it through and did OK on my pace. I can't wait until Greg gets home and can take the dog instead of me.
Speaking of Greg, he had his first 757/767 trip for Continental Airlines this week. He went to Birmingham, England 2 days ago. His hotel was in Strattford, so he did some great Shakespeare sightseeing. Now, he's winging his way in a lovely 767 to Honolulu, Hawaii. He said he's celebrating earth day by burning 180,000 pounds of gas in his plane today! He's staying in the same hotel we were in 2 years ago, so he knows all the good places to go. He'll be home Thursday, and I can't wait to see his pictures.
Well, enough for now. I'm off to ice my back. Oh, it's my Mom's birthday today! Happy Birthday Mom!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Day 8
Strength Training
Doesn't sound so bad. My legs were looking forward to this. All the 18 year olds were in class, so it was me and the profs during the lunch hour!
I worked a great circuit for a little over 30 minutes. My abs, back, arms and legs all got a great workout. I was a bit wobbly leaving, but I feel really good.
It was in the 70s for the first time this year here! It would have been a great day for running, but I need to stick to my schedule. I know if I change it, then I won't get back to it. I did open up the house though. It feels so good to finally see spring.
However, as I look out my windows dark clouds are moving in. I guess this is the price we pay for a lovely 74 degree day.
Enjoy your spring day!
Doesn't sound so bad. My legs were looking forward to this. All the 18 year olds were in class, so it was me and the profs during the lunch hour!
I worked a great circuit for a little over 30 minutes. My abs, back, arms and legs all got a great workout. I was a bit wobbly leaving, but I feel really good.
It was in the 70s for the first time this year here! It would have been a great day for running, but I need to stick to my schedule. I know if I change it, then I won't get back to it. I did open up the house though. It feels so good to finally see spring.
However, as I look out my windows dark clouds are moving in. I guess this is the price we pay for a lovely 74 degree day.
Enjoy your spring day!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Day 7
Swim 30 min & Run 30 min
OK, this one was a bit of a challenge. I had a very busy day, but still needed to make sure I got my training in. I went to church in the morning, then I was of to my cousin Sarah's son's first birthday party. It was a great party and a perfect excuse to have cake!!
I brought all of my workout gear with me, so I was ready for the day. I got to the pool, and it was full of college students! For those of you who don't know, I swim at the Carleton College pool. My husband is an alumni, so I get to use their stuff! Only $10 a year for all the athletic facilities! Not bad. Except... you have to work out next to skinny 18 year olds!
So, I picked the lane next to the ladder. Why do this? So I don't look like a fool hauling my big butt out of the water. On lap one, I could see the 18 year old life guard napping in his chair. What the heck! I'm old, and he needs to protect his elders! OK, so now I'm on high alert to stay safe... so no flip turns for me.
I swam 1400 yards today, a little over .75 mile swim. I did it almost all crawl stroke too. That's big for me. I swam 1/2 mile straight crawl. Not bad.
So, I haul my big butt up the ladder, rinse of and change into my running clothes. I got home, put on my IPOD and watch, then got Skeeter ready to go. Skeeter is like Greg and I... out of shape.
We got going and it went really well, for the first 20 minutes. Then, Skeeter was exhausted and I was almost dragging him along. We finished the full 30 minutes successfully! I even ran a faster pace than the past 2 runs. I feel pretty good.
Here is Skeeter after the run...
Wish me luck tomorrow (Skeeter too)!
OK, this one was a bit of a challenge. I had a very busy day, but still needed to make sure I got my training in. I went to church in the morning, then I was of to my cousin Sarah's son's first birthday party. It was a great party and a perfect excuse to have cake!!
I brought all of my workout gear with me, so I was ready for the day. I got to the pool, and it was full of college students! For those of you who don't know, I swim at the Carleton College pool. My husband is an alumni, so I get to use their stuff! Only $10 a year for all the athletic facilities! Not bad. Except... you have to work out next to skinny 18 year olds!
So, I picked the lane next to the ladder. Why do this? So I don't look like a fool hauling my big butt out of the water. On lap one, I could see the 18 year old life guard napping in his chair. What the heck! I'm old, and he needs to protect his elders! OK, so now I'm on high alert to stay safe... so no flip turns for me.
I swam 1400 yards today, a little over .75 mile swim. I did it almost all crawl stroke too. That's big for me. I swam 1/2 mile straight crawl. Not bad.
So, I haul my big butt up the ladder, rinse of and change into my running clothes. I got home, put on my IPOD and watch, then got Skeeter ready to go. Skeeter is like Greg and I... out of shape.
We got going and it went really well, for the first 20 minutes. Then, Skeeter was exhausted and I was almost dragging him along. We finished the full 30 minutes successfully! I even ran a faster pace than the past 2 runs. I feel pretty good.
Wish me luck tomorrow (Skeeter too)!
Friday, April 18, 2008
Day 5
Run 30 minutes
This shouldn't have been too hard, seeing as I did it on Tuesday and 20 min yesterday. Oh how naive I was! This sucked!
It was a struggle to get run the full 30 minutes. My pace was pitiful. I just kept thinking about stopping.
However, I made it 30 minutes. I didn't walk. I'm done for the day. That's all I ask for, so I should be happy, right?
Tomorrow is a rest day! I'm spending it with Lael and my BEAUTIFUL god-daughter Celia. I can't wait.
So, that's it for today. It's been great to keep you guys up to date on this blog. When I don't want to go workout, I just think, "How will I explain my lazy butt on the blog?" It really keeps me going. Thanks for the support!
This shouldn't have been too hard, seeing as I did it on Tuesday and 20 min yesterday. Oh how naive I was! This sucked!
It was a struggle to get run the full 30 minutes. My pace was pitiful. I just kept thinking about stopping.
However, I made it 30 minutes. I didn't walk. I'm done for the day. That's all I ask for, so I should be happy, right?
Tomorrow is a rest day! I'm spending it with Lael and my BEAUTIFUL god-daughter Celia. I can't wait.
So, that's it for today. It's been great to keep you guys up to date on this blog. When I don't want to go workout, I just think, "How will I explain my lazy butt on the blog?" It really keeps me going. Thanks for the support!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Day 4
20 min swim & 25 min run
OK, today was my first combination day. I was NOT excited about it. It's too much. I had to do it though.
So, Greg went with me to the pool. 20 minutes later and I'd gone 900 yards. It felt so good. So, it was back into my running clothes.
I was excited to run outside again, but the rain came and we went into the gym instead. Now, I'm not proud of my slow pace. For improvements sake later on... I ran 2 miles (15.2 laps) in 26:15 min. During the run, my legs went on auto pilot. I didn't think I'd get to that point for another month!
None of this is easy, but I feel pretty darn good right now. Endorphins are a wonderful thing!
I hope your day was wonderful too. Talk to you tomorrow!
OK, today was my first combination day. I was NOT excited about it. It's too much. I had to do it though.
So, Greg went with me to the pool. 20 minutes later and I'd gone 900 yards. It felt so good. So, it was back into my running clothes.
I was excited to run outside again, but the rain came and we went into the gym instead. Now, I'm not proud of my slow pace. For improvements sake later on... I ran 2 miles (15.2 laps) in 26:15 min. During the run, my legs went on auto pilot. I didn't think I'd get to that point for another month!
None of this is easy, but I feel pretty darn good right now. Endorphins are a wonderful thing!
I hope your day was wonderful too. Talk to you tomorrow!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Day 3
45 Minutes of Biking & Strength Training
I bought a new bike seat yesterday to help me with my very sore tailbone. It was really starting to impact my bad lower back (I sound so old). It works great! My bike is still on the stationary stand in our house, but I think I can hit the open road next week! It's finally warming up here!
So, I biked for only 40 minutes. I know I'm lame, but I changed it to 40 min from 45 min in my head while I was on the bike. I figure cutting it short 5 minutes won't kill me.
As for the rest of my day... since it's in the 60s I'll be outside cleaning up my gardens and my yard. I'm getting ready to plant my flowers in less than a month and to plant my very first vegetable garden! Greg is going to de-thatch the yard today, so we'll both be out enjoying the beautiful weather.
Lovely looking yard, isn't it? We're working on upgrading our fire pit and helping the grass grow from where Skeeter left his mark this winter.
I hope all your training and daily events went smoothly too.
Talk to you tomorrow!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Day 2 of Training
Hello All!
So today is day 2 of my 6 week triathlon training cycle. I was supposed to run 30 minutes. Doesn't sound too bad, does it? Keep in mind, I just started running again 1 month ago. I was very slow, but I made 30 minutes and felt OK.
However... we have tropical storm force winds here today!!! I don't think it helped my distance very much. Nothing like running with your body at a 90 degree bend.
My plan for this blog is to just post my progress during my Danskin Triathlon preparation. I need all the support I can get right now. I'm not the picture of physical fitness, but I think I can do this.
The Danskin Triathlon is in Austin, TX on Jun 8th. It is a 1/2 mile swim, 12 mile bike and 5K run. I have 3 girlfriends doing it with me, so it's keeping me motivated to do this crazy thing.
My only goals for this race are to finish it and to not walk the run portion. I think I can do it.
Anyway, I'll keep this updated with my progress. Thanks for the support!
So today is day 2 of my 6 week triathlon training cycle. I was supposed to run 30 minutes. Doesn't sound too bad, does it? Keep in mind, I just started running again 1 month ago. I was very slow, but I made 30 minutes and felt OK.
However... we have tropical storm force winds here today!!! I don't think it helped my distance very much. Nothing like running with your body at a 90 degree bend.
My plan for this blog is to just post my progress during my Danskin Triathlon preparation. I need all the support I can get right now. I'm not the picture of physical fitness, but I think I can do this.
The Danskin Triathlon is in Austin, TX on Jun 8th. It is a 1/2 mile swim, 12 mile bike and 5K run. I have 3 girlfriends doing it with me, so it's keeping me motivated to do this crazy thing.
My only goals for this race are to finish it and to not walk the run portion. I think I can do it.
Anyway, I'll keep this updated with my progress. Thanks for the support!
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