So, I do NOT have allergies. My nose is runny and my ears feel strange. However, I had a slight fever yesterday... or was it the change in the A/C. OK, so basically I just don't feel quite right.
On Wednesday, I ran a nice 2 miles. It was a GORGEOUS day out, and the first .5 miles was great! So great, that I was running faster than normal. Then it hit me that I was running faster than normal and I hit a wall. I struggled for the next 1.5 miles. I hate my mind games.
Yesterday I went to the pool. School's out, so it was me and a 60+ lady! I love the summer!!! Like I said, I wasn't feeling right and the swim felt like I was in molasses. It was tough, but I swam 1200 yards before I called it a day.
I plan on swimming again today, because it will be in the low to mid 90s today with thunderstorms. Plus, swimming is more fun!
It was great to have her here. We went to the sculpture garden and the science museum. Plus, we relaxed and enjoyed numerous games of Cribbage. So much fun!!
Wish me luck on the next few days of working out. I have to get back on this horse!
1 comment:
Great to have you back on the workout wagon again. Actually the word "workout" makes it sound like work. Let's think about it as "getting exercise while having fun!"'s sort of like trying to disguise some food you don't like in a tasty meal Greg would cook up. But then again, if prepared right, you might actually start to like it...sort of like tomatos or mangos. :)
Package in the mail to you this morning.
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