One of my big challenges is trying to figure out how to merge my sprint triathlon training with my 1/2 marathon training. I figure what ever day has the most activity is what I will do. I will also keep my 1/2 marathon distance days (Fridays).
This weekend I'm doing a 5K with Lael, or rather I'm running a 5K while she runs a 10K. With the 5K coming up, I decided to move up my distance day to today. This week held a 4 miler in my future. The weather finally warmed up and the wind died down, so today was the perfect day for a run.
The first mile was tough. I've realized this week how much I've hurt myself over the past few months. I've really let myself go. I've gained too much weight. I haven't kept up with my workouts. Now, I'm struggling a bit.
Normally, the pain and struggle would make me stop running. Instead, I just think that this is temporary. This is how I will feel during the 1/2 marathon or during the run portion of the triathlon. I'm training for the struggle too. Struggle can be good. Struggle is really going to make me stronger. I need to be happy that this is tough. I need to get a mental workout too.
At 3.75 miles, my side ache that I'd been battling for 1/2 mile caught up with me. Or rather, it caught my breath. I had to stop and walk to catch my breath. I felt defeated at first. Then, I heard Greg tell me that walking isn't a failure. I'm in training. I still got my mileage in. It wasn't what I expected, but it was a success.
Tomorrow, biking outside! I can't wait!!
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