Monday, March 16, 2009


Is overweight a bad word? For most people it is. On most days it is for me too. However, today I am no longer obese! I'm only overweight!!! 47.5 pounds lost and counting!!! Wooo Whooo!

I thought I'd gained weight last week, instead I lost 5 pounds (I'd gained 4 over the previous 2 weeks). I had to get back on the scale to make sure it was right. It was the same as the first weigh in this morning. What a great way to start the day!

This helps me maintain my new motivation to work out. Now that I've gotten the OK to run again, I'm getting back into a work out regimen. I'm excited to workout. It's amazing that I feel that way. If you know me, you understand that I'm not the picture of fitness. But, I'm trying.


Anonymous said...

You rock!


KK said...

Whee!!! I'm psyched for you!