I didn't have very good luck with Valentine's days before Greg. He had one HORRIBLE Valentine's Day. So, we try not to put to much into this day. We don't exchange gifts, but do small things to let the other know how much they are loved.
I'm just grateful Greg picked me. He is the man I never knew existed. He exceeds the standards I had for my "dream man." He makes me happier than I knew possible. He is my best friend in the whole world. I love him more today than ever before. I'm the luckiest girl in the world!!!
What you just wrote about Greg is probably the sweetest thing I've heard a wife say in a long time!!
Awwww!!! You guys are so damn cute! :)
Deeann, I came across your blog on while google searching for a Masters paper. It's good to see that you're doing well. Well, it's time for me to mooove along.
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