I have so many things to be thankful for this year. First, my wonderful husband, Greg! I'm also grateful for my stepsons, my family, my animals, my home, my town, having jobs, and many many more things.
A big thing to be grateful for... not having cancer. I had a mammogram last week, and they called me back the next day for more images. I went in on Wed for additional mammograms and saw what looked like a tumor on my first set of films. Well, when they do additional images, they squish you even more. So, they did and what looked like a potential tumor squished away, so NO tumor! Yeah! However, now I get to have annual mammograms. Not a bad deal.
So, what did you do today? I had 2 Thanksgiving meals to attend. Actually, we alternate dinner at one set of parents and dessert at the other. So, I had a Lufkin dinner and Emery pie. It was so much fun!
How do you avoid all the potential weight gain when trying to diet? You run in the morning! So, I did the Turkey Trot 5K in downtown Minneapolis today. It was in the 20s, but so much fun. I took a ton of pictures during the run and just relaxed. It was slow, but beautiful. I'm so glad I did it. Now, I'm ready for the Northfield Jingle Bell Run in 3 weeks! We get bells for our shoes during the 5K! I can't wait!!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!